News & Events

Genocide as Colonial Erasure – Francesca Albanese in conversation with Dimitris Bouris

The ATHENA Jean Monnet Chair will host Francesca Albanese, who will analyse Israel’s violations of international law in their present and historical context and examine the responsibilities of third-States vis-à-vis Israel’s attacks on Gaza, with a focus on the EU Member States. She will highlight…

Research paper N°20: “Decentring the EU-Mauritania Migration ‘Partnership’”

Research paper N°20: “Decentring the EU-Mauritania Migration ‘Partnership’”

ATHENA’s 20th Research Paper “Decentring the EU-Mauritania Migration ‘Partnership’” by Jonathan Brouwer can be accessed here. This essay was originally written for the ATHENA Jean Monnet Chair MSc Course “The EU as a Global Actor: Peace, Security and Conflict” taught by Dr. Dimitris Bouris. It…

ATHENA Practitioners Engagement Series: The ICJ Ruling on Palestine – Between International Law and Politics

Date: 2 December 2024 Time: 17:00-19:00 To register for the event, please visit this link In the framework of the ATHENA Jean Monnet Chair on the EU as a Global Actor and in cooperation with the Amsterdam Centre for European Studies (ACES), Dr. Dimitris Bouris…

ATHENA Practitioners Engagement Series: A European Feminist Foreign Policy? Gender Mainstreaming in the EU’s Common Security and Defence Policy

Date: 11 November 2024 Time: 15:00-17:00 To register for the event, please visit this link The ATHENA Jean Monnet Chair is pleased to announce an upcoming event as part of our annual Practitioners Engagement Series in cooperation with the Amsterdam Centre for European Studies (ACES).…

The EU and Israel’s war on Gaza

ATHENA Jean Monnet Chair Annual Lecture Dr. Dimitris Bouris, Jean Monnet Chair and Associate Professor at the Department of Political Science at UvA will host Clare Daly, an Irish Member of the European Parliament who will deliver the Annual Jean Monnet Lecture entitled: “The EU…

The Devastation of War: What Now for EU-Russia Relations?

ATHENA Jean Monnet Chair Annual Lecture The ATHENA Jean Monnet Chair will host Dr. Maxine David, who will deliver the Annual Jean Monnet Lecture entitled: The Devastation of War: What Now for EU-Russia Relations?. Spaces are limited so please make sure to register in advance.…

ATHENA Practitioners Engagement Series event: Trying to make sense – Israel’s war on Gaza

Date: 7 December 2023 Time: 17:00-19:00 To register for the event, please visit this link. A conversation hosted by Dimitris Bouris (He/Him) with: Francesca Albanese, UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territory occupied since 1967; Omar Barghouti and Erella Grassiani,…

ATHENA Practitioners Engagement Series event on Nagorno-Karabakh: A humanitarian disaster and the EU’s irrelevance

Date: 27 November 2023 Time: 15:00-17:00 Location: REC B1.01 To register for the event, please visit this link Since the one-day war in Nagorno-Karabakh in September 2023, the entire ethnic Armenian population from the enclave of over 100,000 people was forced to cross the border…

Presentation of the Special Issue: Whose (In)Security? Gender, Race and Coloniality in European Security Policies

On 9 November 2023, Hanna Muehlenhoff, Laura Berlingozzi and Saskia Stachowitsch will be joining the MSc course ”The EU as a Global Actor”, to discuss their Special Issue: ‘‘Whose (In)Security? Gender, Race and Coloniality in European Security Policies’’. The Special Issue can be accessed here: …

New research from the chair

Barbieux, F. and Bouris, D. (2024) “Decentring European Union Foreign Policy: Addressing Colonial Dynamics in EU-Algeria Relations“, JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies. Bouris, D. and Fernandez Molina, I. (2024) “The International Norm-Practice Relationship, Contested States and the EU’s Territorial (Un)Differentiation towards Palestine and Western Sahara“, Global…